NineRohingya families were delisted from
the family tree list in Zee Bin Chaung Village by Na-Sa-Kas of branch
office (10) of area (4), Maung Daw Township on January 3,2013. The head
of the family names are as:
1 – Dil Mohammad s/o U Moni Ruzzama
2 – Faw For Ahmed s/o U Abdu Rahman
3 – Monir Ahmed s/o U Mano Meah
4 – Halarbi d/o U Abdul Kadair
5 – Sayed Alam s/o U Kala Meah
6 – Zarina Katu d/o U Hakim Ali
7 – Basar Katu d/o U Larl Meah
8 – Ferozah Katu d/o U Sultan
9 – Rashidah Katu d/o U Nazir Ahmed
Main cause is that Zee Bin Chaung
Villagers didn’t participate to the Na-Sa-Ka’s operation. The operation
is due to entitle race as “Bengali who are illegal immigrants and
invaders from Bangladesh”.And they believe that they are bonafide
Myanmar citizens but why they were not eligible to elect or to be
elected for the election of administration? Actually, they have being
obtained rights to elect or to be elected for parliaments since the
Burma Independent in 1948.
Beside that, five Rohingya elders and
educated persons of that village were ordered to participate to the
Na-Sa-Ka’s operation, whose names are as:
1. Noor Huson s/o U Noor Ahmed
2. Sham Shu Alam s/o
3. Abu Suleman s/o U Noor Mohammad
4. Sayedul Islam s/o U Noor Mohammad
5. Dil Dar Husin s/o Ummar Hamza
Maung Daw (Taung Pro Let Wae), 4-1-2013.
Sixteen Rohingya elders and educated
persons of Taung Pro Let Wea were arrested by Na-Sa-Kas of Area (3) at
4:30 PM of January 3, 2013.
For the same case, Taung Pro Let
Waevillagers didn’t participate to the above mentioned Na-Sa-Ka
operation. This kind of Na-Sa-Ka operations have been doing twice a year
since in 1990 and have been paying Kyats 8000-00 per year for each
family in Maung Daw District. Villagers realize that Na-Sa-Ka’s
operations are designating Rohingya to “Bengalis who are illegal
immigrants and invaders from Bangladesh”.
As a result, the under mention innocent
Rohingyas were arrested and tortured severely by the Na-Sa-Kas. Arrested
Rohingya names are as:
1 – Malavi Noor Alam s/o U Sultan Ahmed, 65-years
2 – Sham Shul Haque s/o U Haibullah, 75-years
3 – Zahidullah s/o U Shofiullah, 32-years
4 – Noor Huson s/o U Sayed Huson, 28-years
5 – Dildar Huson s/o U Inna Amin, 68-years
6 – Nurul Hauque s/o U Fauzau Rahman, 65-years
7 – Abdu Zabbar s/o U Abul Husein, 68-years
8 – Rafic s/o U Raza Meah, 45-years
9 – Eshah Noor s/o U Maqul Ahmed, 33-years
10 – Zahid Alam s/o U Halar Meah, 48-years
11 – Zabbar s/o U Hanifah, 45-years
12 – Zamir Huson s/o U sayed Huson, 35-years
13 – Moether s/o U Sayed Akbar, 35-years
14. – Nuru s/o U Fazal, 31-years
15 – Malvi Ershadullah s/o U Habiullah, 38-years
16 – Nurul Amin s/o U Sayedullah, 35-years
Rohingyas have been suffering
multi-sanctions and multi-restrictions since 1988 by Military Government
and Rakhine Nationalists for a secrete genocide program. So, in 2012,
June violence and again violence in October were exploded out. By those
series of violence, further many more Rohingyas to be killed or to be
deported to neighbor countries.
So, Myanmar Central Government, Arakan
State Government, Rakhine Political Parties , Rakhine terrorists,
Buddhist Monks, Police, Para-Military, Na-Sa-Ka and Rakhine Army are
fulfilling turn by turn to Rohingya Genocide in Arakan. They are very
enthusiastic to fulfill their ultimate goal.
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