Monday, November 5, 2012

Rohingya Refugee Appeal to USA Mission
An appeal on Humanitarian Ground to Safe and Protect Rohingya Refugee in Bangladesh.
Sept 12,2012

Your Excellencies!

We the most Human Rights violated Rohingya Refugee from Bangladesh. We wish to express our heartfelt gratitude to you and your goverment's assertion which could yield a significant results for the most violated, persecuted, needy, and vulnerable Rohingya Refugee in Bangladesh.
As you know, we the Rohingya Refugee in Bangladesh are regularly and systematically intimidated, tortured, raped, and killed by local people from neighboring Bangladesh, some politically motivated group, some racially intolerant groups with impunity. And the camp level authorities never interfere when this kind of inhuman events happen, sometimes encourged by those who are suppose to be responsible for well- being and safety of these stateless, helpless, friendless as well as deprived, weak needy people.

As you know, the govt of Bangladesh frequenty refused to keep us in Bangladesh; rejected the multi million proposal from UN,EU,USA, UK and other donation countries and restriction to NGOs' activities.

So therefore, we urge you and your goverment to consult with Bangladesh and UNHCR to provide us our lives to any where in the world as you do as our life, liberaty and fundamental rights are at risk in both Country Burma and Bangladesh.

As you know, we are under inhuman violence like killing, rape, arson, assassination, oppression, extortion and etc by illegal military Junta since 1962. And recently Burma started Genocide and Ethnic cleansing and Bangladesh is engaged with push back to Rohingya without giving shelter. Not only that, the illegal imprisonment, fabricated law suits, sometimes arbitrary asserting is also our daily summary.

As you know, we are now technically stateless people have been residing in Bangladesh Refugee camps untill 22 years without getting adequate fundamental rights like Education, Medication, Food and non-food Items, Hygienic and Security.

So may we therefore, pray and hope that you would be kind enough to raise your voice to propagate our situation to the world, to protect us from such inhuman violence and to provide us a land where we can build up our lives with dignity and rights as soon as possible. May Almighty shower you with unimaginable blessing and rewards.

Yours sincerly Rohingya Refugee Bangladesh.

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