Saturday, July 13, 2013

The Sudden Abolishment of NaSaKa Institution and Its Aftermaths

Maung Aurther
RB Analysis
July 12, 2013
The institution of NaSaKa (Border Security Force) has been abolished by the government of Myanmar today. According to the announcement order “59/2013” issued by the President’s Office today (i.e. July 12, 2013), the institution has been abolished from today onward. 
The sudden abolishment of NaSaKa might come as a shocker to many and at the same time, the news might sound sweet to some. Meanwhile, many can’t decide whether it is for better or worse. 
NaSaKa force was founded by the toppled ex-general Khin Nyunt in early 1990s. Some of the purposes behind the establishment of the NaSaKa Force were:
(1) To put restrictions on Rohingyas’ marriages
(2) To limit Rohingyas’ birth
(3) To confine their movements and travels
(4) To carry out regularly twice a year census operation against Rohingyas
(5) To depopulate their population by exerting various pressures on them, torturing them in many ways, driving them out of Arakan, even killing them 
(6) And many.
In short, it was a force and tool created to implement ethnic cleansing of Rohingyas and genocide against them. Therefore, NaSaKa Force had been red-handed with blood of Rohingyas right from its establishment. 
Moreover, especially in the ongoing violence against Rohingyas in Arakan that erupted in June 2012, the destructive role that NaSaKa played in the cleansing of Rohingyas has been spotlighted by various human rights groups, international community and Rohingya community themselves.
Therefore, the intention behind the sudden abolishment of NaSaKa Institution can be interpreted in many ways.
(1) NaSaKa had been the effective tool machine in exterminating Rohingyas. And hence, it committed countless crimes against humanity. The only way for the government to get impunity for those crimes committed by the institution is the abolishment of the institution. WE MUST NOT FORGET THAT NASAKA COULD ACT UPON NOTHING WITHOUT THE COMMANDMENT FROM THE CENTRAL GOVERNMENT OF MYANMAR. HENCE, THE GOVERNMENT OF MYANMAR MUST ANSWER FOR ALL THE CRIMES AGAINST ROHINGYAS, NOT ONLY NASAKAS. Nevertheless, the current pseudo civilian government made up of ex-generals can easily shake off any accusations against them and hence will be able to get impunity.
(2) The abolishment can merely be a replacement of old and rusty exterminating machine with a new, efficient and effective one. That is to say NaSaKa is being replaced with a well-trained, worse, more cruel institution effective in exterminating Rohingyas. 
(3) Or it can be just a mind game, without practical implementation of the abolishment, to change people’s perceptions on Myanmar. 
Meanwhile, the responsibilities of NaSaKa can be taken over either by Police or by Military. If Police, composed of mainly Rakhine extremist, are handed over the responsibilities of NaSaKa, then Rohingyas especially in Maung Daw and Buthidaung are going to face a life of hell. 
However, we pray and hope everything turns out to be peaceful and better for all the people living in Myanmar.

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